Rural Americans Are Living A Fantasy

Joe Merkle
4 min readNov 28, 2020
Image by Jeff Swensen — Getty Closed Steel Mills Johnstown, PA

Over the last two decades, many rural Americans have seen drastic changes in their communities. The city hubs that once supported their greater rural areas have seen steel, tobacco, textile, and automotive plants close. Not only did these plants provide the highest wages, but they also offered quality healthcare for the employees. To be honest, this trend is eliminating middle-income jobs across the country, a leading factor in the decline of the American middle class.

Like so many jobs in the United States, these jobs will NOT return. Millions already unemployed face losing health benefits. Politicians will preach to them from the stump, spewing lies about how they will bring these jobs back to the area. Or create new jobs for the perpetually unemployed. Out of sheer desperation, their constituents will believe this utter nonsense.

The reasons are many why these businesses left rural environments for greener pastures.

1. Lack of an educated, trained labor pool.

2. Lack of access to a major transportation hub to move product.

3. Businesses that have seen cutbacks due to shortages of customers/clients.

4. Businesses that have shut their doors permanently.



Joe Merkle

I write about love, life, loss, kindness, and gratitude. Toss in some fiction and humor and you have the meanderings of a multifarious writer.