All Democracies Die

America’s is not exempt

Joe Merkle
3 min readOct 6, 2023


Photo by Pierre Herman on Unsplash

I have been avoiding posts and articles regarding politics lately. For obvious reasons. But after watching the shocking fiasco in the United States House of Representatives led by a totally dysfunctional Republican Party, I felt this needs to be said.

Exactly what do MAGA voters want from our government? NOTHING! They want to shred it and toss it into the annals of history as just one more democracy that has failed.

They are angry. Not because of anything in particular. But because their anger is being stoked by some whackjobs who have figured out a way to profit from a lazy citizenry. It’s so much easier to be a follower than an informed voter.

Democracy is hard. It takes an educated, thoughtful, curious citizenry to make it work. It is no accident that many southern states have been dumbing down their educational systems for decades.

It takes government leaders who are willing to hash things out, no matter how long it takes, to come to an agreement both sides might find hard to swallow, but can live with for the betterment of this country and democracy.

Democracies survive only when their citizenry is motivated to elect people who will fight against injustices while remaining pragmatic as opposed to voting out of revenge or Arcadian ideas…



Joe Merkle

I write about love, life, loss, kindness, and gratitude. Toss in some fiction and humor and you have the meanderings of a multifarious writer.